  • As we are aware about the coronavirus (COVID-19) It is a worldwide epidemic Educational institutions are closed, roads are closed, cities are closed and every body has to sit in their home with the family Therefore, people are in a panic all over the world So this is a very critical time At present, the whole world is facing an unprecedented pandemic of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) COVID-19 disease has spread all over the world with more than 8 99 Million confirmed cases and 469,000 deaths as of 22 June,2020 In India alone there are 4, 53, 110 Confirmed cases and more than 13, 867 Deaths occurs as on 22 June, 2020 Inspite of the worldwide efforts to contain it, the pandemic is continuing to spread Till now no vaccine is being developed to fight against it Though many countries are claiming to achieve some positive results to develop a vaccine However, utilization of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Wuhan to treat COVID-19 cases sets the example demonstrating that traditional healthcare can contribute to treatment of COVID-19 affected patients successfully Therefore, in Indian context where the COVID-19 infected cases are increasing very fast nowadays and no system of medicine has any evidence based treatment for COVID-19 as yet, therefore it is proposed that Ayurveda system of medicine requires immediate implementation to fight against COVID-19
is ?:annotates of
  • International_Journal_for_Research_in_Applied_Science_and_Engineering_Technology
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Role of Ayurveda in fighting against coronavirus (COVID-19)
  • #961987
  • 2020


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