  • Patients on chronic dialysis have an increased risk for SARS CoV-2 virus disease and its complications because of multiple comorbidities and alterations in the immune response caused by renal disease In this retrospective observational study we describe the clinical features and the evolution of SARS CoV-2-related disease in 19 patients of our Pesaro and Fano facilities, where incidence and mortality of the epidemic were among the highest in Italy A total of 176 patients were undergoing chronic treatment, 153 hemodialysis and 23 peritoneal dialysis The incidence of infection was 10,8%, with 84% needing hospitalization and mortality amounting to 53% The most frequent onset symptom was fever (84,2%) and the most used therapy was an association of low molecular weight heparin and hydroxychloroquine (57,9%) Comparing the deceased and survivor populations we noticed significant differences in age and presence of cardiopathy for what concerns anamnestic data and in fatigue and dyspnea in terms of clinical presentation LDH and CPK resulted highest among deceased patients, while the use of enoxaparin was more frequent in survivors By observing contagions over time, we also noticed that most of the cases, and the ones with worse clinical condition and outcome, all occurred in the early stage of the epidemic and in particular within the first 20 days from the implementation and codification of the measures to prevent its spread, the only modifiable factor that had an unmistakable effect on the evolution of events
is ?:annotates of
  • G_Ital_Nefrol
  • unk
  • WHO
  • [SARS CoV-2 related disease features in a population of chronic hemodialysis patients]
  • #964249
  • 2020


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