  • OBJETIVO: Evaluar la efectividad de un programa de prevención y control de infecciones (PCI) por COVID-19 en los trabajadores sanitarios (TS) del servicio de urgencias de un hospital terciario MÉTODO: Se recogió el número de casos confirmados de COVID-19 en TS del 2 de marzo al 12 de abril de 2020 Los TS fueron evaluados si presentaban síntomas o en el marco de estudios de contactos Se recogió: edad, sexo, estamento, área trabajo y motivo contacto Se comparó si existían diferencias entre los TS del SU y los del resto del Departamento de Salud (DS) RESULTADOS: De los 3 900 TS del DS (279 adscritos al SU), se evaluaron 1 744 TS (92 del SU) Presentaron síntomas 736 (52 del SU);151 fueron confirmados COVID-19 (9 del SU) Dos casos del SU (22,2%) se atribuyeron a la asistencia sanitaria, y 7 (77,8%) a relaciones sociales en el lugar de trabajo o fuera de este La prevalencia de TS con COVID-19 en el SU fue de un 3,2% (9/279), y en el resto de TS del 3,9% (142/3621) Entre los TS del SU y del resto del DS no hubo diferencias significativas en la prevalencia de afectados, ni entre los motivos de contacto CONCLUSIONES: Teniendo en cuenta la prevalencia de TS con COVID-19 del SU respecto al resto del DS, el motivo del contacto de riesgo y su distribución en el tiempo, se puede considerar que el PCI orientado al SU fue efectivo OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of a coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) prevention and control program for health care workers in a tertiary care hospital emergency department (ED) METHODS: We recorded the number of confirmed COVID-19 workers in the ED on March 2, 2020, and April 12, 2020 Workers were screened if they had symptoms or were traced as contacts Variables recorded were age, sex, staff position, work area, and reason for contact We used the χ2 test to compare ED workers to workers in other areas of the health care system RESULTS: Of the 3900 health care workers (279 in the ED), 1744 cases (92 in the ED) were included for analysis A total of 736 workers (52 in the ED) had symptoms, and 151 had positive test results (9 from the ED) Two of the infections in the ED workers (22 2%) were attributed to patient contact and 7 (77 8%) to nonwork-related contact either in the workplace or in the community The prevalence of COVID-19 among ED workers was 3 2% (9/279) The prevalence among other health system workers was 3 9% (142/3621) The differences in COVID-19 prevalencebetween the 2 groups was not significant Nor was there a significant difference in the reasons for contact with the virus between the 2 groups CONCLUSION: Based on the prevalence of COVID-19 among ED workers and other health care workers, the reasons for risk of contact with the virus, and the time frame for gathering the data, we conclude that the prevention and control measures in the ED have been effective
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  • Emergencias_(Sant_Vicenç_dels_Horts)
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19 en los trabajadores sanitarios del servicio de urgencias de un hospital terciario
  • #656563
  • 2020


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