  • SUMMARY We present the case of 33 weeks + weeks pregnant patient (G1P0), with proven COVID-19 infection by RT-PCR and, at admission, she presented with a dry cough and "tiredness when talking," Chest computed tomography was performed, which showed the presence of attenuations with ground glass opacification and bilateral consolidations She then had a cesarean section because of maternal respiratory decompensation She was transferred to the ICU of the same hospital with an O2 catheter The newborn was transferred to the neonatal ICU of the same hospital in ambient air and maintained in respiratory and contact isolation RT-PCR was collected for SARS-COV-2 at 6 h of life, which was positive Faced with the knowledge gap on vertical transmission, RT-PCR for SARS-COV-2 at 6 h of life gives cause for concern, thus representing the possibility of vertical transmission by SARS-COV-2, although additional investigations are required RESUMO Apresentamos o caso de uma paciente grávida de 33 semanas + (G1P0), com infecção de COVID-19 comprovada por RT-PCR que, na admissão, apresentava tosse seca e "cansaço ao falar" Foi realizada tomografia computadorizada do tórax, que mostrou a presença de atenuações com opacidade em vidro fosco e consolidações bilaterais Ela então passou por uma cesariana devido a descompensação respiratória materna Em seguida, foi transferida para a UTI do mesmo hospital com um cateter de O2 O recém-nascido foi transferido para a UTI neonatal do mesmo hospital, em ar ambiente, e mantido em isolamento respiratório e de contato Material para o RT-PCR para SARS-COV-2 foi coletado às 6h de vida, e o resultado do teste foi positivo Perante a lacuna de conhecimento sobre a transmissão vertical, o resultado positivo do RT-PCR para SARS-COV-2 às 6h de vida é motivo de preocupação, pois representa uma possível transmissão vertical do SARS-COV-2, embora investigações adicionais sejam necessárias
  • We present the case of 33 weeks + weeks pregnant patient (G1P0), with proven COVID-19 infection by RT-PCR and, at admission, she presented with a dry cough and \'tiredness when talking,\'. Chest computed tomography was performed, which showed the presence of attenuations with ground glass opacification and bilateral consolidations. She then had a cesarean section because of maternal respiratory decompensation. She was transferred to the ICU of the same hospital with an O2 catheter. The newborn was transferred to the neonatal ICU of the same hospital in ambient air and maintained in respiratory and contact isolation. RT-PCR was collected for SARS-COV-2 at 6 h of life, which was positive. Faced with the knowledge gap on vertical transmission, RT-PCR for SARS-COV-2 at 6 h of life gives cause for concern, thus representing the possibility of vertical transmission by SARS-COV-2, although additional investigations are required.
is ?:annotates of
  • Rev._Assoc._Med._Bras._(1992)
  • Rev_Assoc_Med_Bras_(1992)
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Probable vertical transmission identified within six hours of life
  • #745384
  • #983851
  • 2020


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