is ?:annotates of
  • [\'These authors contributed equally to this article and share first authorship.\', \'National Institute for Infectious Diseases \'Lazzaro Spallanzani\' IRCCS, Rome, Italy.\', \'Scientific Department, Italian Army Medical Center, Rome, Italy.\', \'Clinical Sciences Department, Italian Army Medical Center, Rome, Italy.\', \'Italian Army Surgeon General Office, Rome, Italy.\', \'These authors contributed equally to this article and share last authorship.\', \'The members of these groups are acknowledged at the end of the article.\']
  • -1
  • 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.11.2000230
  • Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin
is ?:pmid of
  • 32209164
  • -1.0
  • -1
  • Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in a paucisymptomatic patient: epidemiological and clinical challenge in settings with limited community transmission, Italy, February 2020.
  • 2020


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