  • BACKGROUND: The integration of telehealth simulation experiences enables nursing students to effectively care for postnatal clients through interactive video technologies. METHOD: Faculty created a telehealth postnatal triage simulation in response to a need for client interaction due to COVID-19 social isolation restrictions. RESULTS: Telehealth triage is an inexpensive, engaging teaching strategy and formative assessment method that can be easily created with existing resources and implemented in a postnatal simulation experience. CONCLUSION: Faculty concluded that this telehealth simulation experience is valuable in meeting student clinical learning outcomes and its continued use after social restrictions are removed is recommended. In the future, effectiveness of the simulation experience should be studied and measured along with incorporation of inter-and intraprofessional collaboration activities. [J Nurs Educ. 2020;59(9):518-521.].
  • J_Nurs_Educ
  • unk
  • WHO
  • \'Get Connected\': Integrating Telehealth Triage in a Prelicensure Clinical Simulation
  • #737881
  • 2020


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