  • The COVID-19 global pandemic forced healthcare facilities to put special isolation measures in place to limit nosocomial transmission. Cohorting is such a measure and refers to placing infected patients (or under investigation) together in a designated area. This report describes the physical reorganisation of the emergency centre at Khayelitsha Hospital, a district level hospital in Cape Town, South Africa in preparation to the COVID-19 pandemic. The preparation included the identification of a person under investigation (PUI) room, converting short stay wards into COVID-19 isolation areas, and relocating the paediatric section to an area outside the emergency centre. Finally, we had to divide the emergency centre into a respiratory and non-respiratory side by utilising part of the hospital’s main reception. We are positive that the preparation and reorganization of the emergency centre will limit nosocomial transmission during the expected COVID-19 surge. Our experience in adapting to COVID-19 may have useful implications for ECs throughout South Africa and in low-and-middle income countries that are preparing for this pandemic.
is ?:annotates of
  • 10.4102/phcfm.v12i1.2514
  • Afr_J_Prim_Health_Care_Fam_Med
  • cc-by
  • document_parses/pdf_json/5ba7c9e44c34249d571de4ad5163b2ca3be1470b.json
  • document_parses/pmc_json/PMC7564996.xml.json
  • 33054265.0
  • Medline; PMC
  • Emergency centre reorganization in preparation to the COVID-19 pandemic: A district hospital’s dynamic adaptation response
  • 2020-09-16


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