  • Presentation: A septuagenarian male experienced sudden frightening onset of severe headache, marked nausea and vomiting, pharyngitis, severe upper respiratory congestion, fever, chills, weakness, malaise, and mild pulmonary congestion O2 saturation=96% Presumptive-diagnosis: \'Covid-19\' Treatment: Nausea and vomiting continued without respite for several hours Anti-nausea tablets were twice regurgitated intact Accordingly, treatment was initiated with 30 mg of the SOD-mimetic antioxidant drug Tempol PO as the hydroxylamine in a 6% water solution containing 90 mg vitamin-C Patient kept this down Along with Tempol-zinc gargles for pharyngitis, intranasal treatment was then initiated with a medication-soaked cotton swab and insufflation, repeated q 6h as symptoms returned This was followed by similar doses of Tempol-H three and six hours later, repeated BID PO for the next ten days On days 2-3, treatment was briefly initiated with hydroxychloroquine, zinc, doxycycline, ivermectin, and famotidine, then withdrawn Results: Within one-hour post-Tempol-H, vomiting ceased, headache eased significantly, and the patient felt objectively better Nasal congestion also reversibly eased upon intranasal treatment By days 5-7 remaining symptoms were mild reversible-on-treatment nasal congestion, pharyngitis, and malaise Excepting slight malaise, patient was essentially asymptomatic by days 8-9 As expected, PCR was negative day 10 Although the diagnosis is reasonably sure, IgG was negative at days 11 and 58 Conclusions: The usual objections to N=1 case-reports apply However, the almost immediate relief of gastrointestinal symptomology was striking and arguably reflects some direct action of Tempol-H on coronavirus-infected gastric mucosa, as does the effect on nasal mucosa Minimally, Tempol/Tempol-H may be used with relative safely and arguable effectiveness in presumptive early Covid-19 Similarly, we have used Tempol without incident for decades, e g , for treatment of fibrocystic disease, breast cancer prophylaxis, respiratory infections, and for alopecia, a classic redox-signaling-mediated process Significantly, both pattern balding and stress-induced hair-loss are strongly-associated with Covid-19, perhaps reflecting pre-existing or Covid-19-induced oxidative stress doi: xxxxx
is ?:annotates of
  • Free_Radical_Biology_and_Medicine
  • unk
is ?:relation_isRelatedTo_publication of
  • WHO
  • Tempol Treatment of Covid-19
  • #943113
  • 2020


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