  • A pandemic disease caused by a new infectious agent, SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, also known as CO-VID-19 is currently an urgent Public Health problem. This highly contagious and moderate lethal agent is rapidly spreading worldwide. Patients with chronic diseases and health care personnel are particularly vulnerable groups to this virus. Hence the importance of developing preventive strategies and disseminating them widely. This document, generated at the request of the Pediatric Gastroen-terology Branch Directory of SOCHIPE, aims to provide tools for health care professionals working with children to make the best decision when faced with a patient requiring an endoscopic procedure or managing a patient with suspected or diagnosed Inflammatory Bowel Disease to properly prevent COVID-19.
is ?:annotates of
  • Rev._Chil._Pediatr.
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Recommendations of the gastroenterology branch for situations related to covid-19 infection in children/ Recomendaciones de rama de gastroenterología para situaciones relacionadas con infección covid-19 en niños
  • #681151
  • 2020


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