  • Warfarin therapy requires maintenance of a therapeutic international normalized ratio (INR) and thus requires routine monitoring to ensure benefits of anticoagulation, while avoiding complications. As the pharmacist\'s role evolves from traditional medication dispensing towards direct patient care, many anticoagulation management services are pharmacist-managed. Due to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, healthcare providers were faced with re-evaluating anticoagulation management practices to minimize person-to-person exposure risk. Although being anticoagulated is not considered high risk for illness from the coronavirus, these patients are often of advanced age and frequently have multiple comorbidities, putting them at increased risk. Consequently, two hospital-based, pharmacist-managed outpatient anticoagulation management services developed drive-thru curbside clinics to continue providing care to warfarin patients. The services utilized universal COVID-19 precautions to conduct curbside appointments where pharmacists determined patient\'s warfarin therapy plan, scheduled timely follow-up, and provided dosing instructions. With the unexpected coronavirus outbreak, this immediate change to traditional anticoagulation management was essential for safe and effective anticoagulation therapy. Implementing a curbside clinic allowed for safe distancing while managing warfarin appropriately.
is ?:annotates of
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Drive-thru anticoagulation clinic: Can we supersize your care today?
  • #943268
  • 2020


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