Analysing the spread of COVID-19 epidemics in a timely manner is essential for public health authorities. However, raw numbers may be misleading because of spatial and temporal variations. We introduce Rt2, an R-program with a shiny interface, which uses incidence data, i.e. number of new cases per day, to compute variations in the temporal reproduction number (Rt), which corresponds to the average number of secondary infections caused by an infected person. This number is computed with the R0 package, which better captures past variations, and the EpiEstim package, which provides a more accurate estimate of current values. Rt can be computed in different countries using either the daily number of new cases or of deaths. For France, these numbers can also be computed at the regional and departmental level using also daily numbers of hospital and ICU admissions. Finally, in addition to Rt, we represent the incidence using a one-week sliding window to buffer daily variations. Overall, Rt2 provides an accurate and timely overview of the state and speed of spread of COVID-19 epidemics at different scales, using different metrics.