  • Grafts obtained from a donor or produced artificially that are intended to replace, bypass, or shunt a patient\'s diseased or injured blood vessel. Vascular grafts used in humans may be of biological origin, obtained mainly from the body of the same person (i.e., autograft) or from another person (i.e., allograft) or, less frequently, from a different species (i.e., xenografts) or synthetic (usually made of Dacron or polytetrafluoroethylene). Bioengineered grafts are also available. Autologous grafts (i.e., autografts) that are not processed in any way and usually reimplanted immediately during the same surgical procedure are not considered medical devices and are not included under any graft term. Biological grafts are intended mainly to replace small-diameter (less than 10 mm) vessels while synthetic grafts are best suited for large-diameter (more than 10 mm) high-flow vessel replacement. Vascular grafts are used in many vascular procedures (e.g., aortoiliac, femoral popliteal, axilloaxillary artery bypass) except those involving the coronary arteries.


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