  • Dental prostheses designed to fit into a prepared dental cavity (i.e., inlays) to restore one tooth. Inlays are precision fitted and cemented to the surrounded intact tooth so that the patient cannot remove them. These prostheses (i.e., intracoronal restorations) are typically custom-made devices made of cast metal alloys (e.g., medium-hard gold), synthetic (e.g., acrylic) resins, or ceramics. Inlays are used to restore tooth contours and function; they are not intended to anchor fixed partial dental prostheses.
  • Dental prostheses designed to restore the posterior teeth by fitting around the remains of a tooth and covering one or more of the mesial, occlusal, and distal surfaces; they are precision fitted and cemented to the surrounded tooth so that the patient cannot remove them. Onlays usually cover the entire occlusal surface of a tooth to include the cusps, differentiating them from inlays. These prostheses (i.e., extracoronal restorations) are typically custom-made devices made of cast metal alloys (e.g., medium-hard gold), synthetic (e.g., acrylic) resins, or ceramic (e.g., porcelain). Onlays are used mainly to restore posterior tooth contours and function.


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