  • Apheresis units designed to automate the removal of white blood cells (WBC) from the blood of a patient. Typically, blood is collected, and the excess of WBC (i.e., leukocytes) is depleted prior to reinfusion of the rest of the blood. These apheresis units usually consist of a disposable pheresis set (i.e., a tubing set that connects the patient to the apheresis unit); pumps (e.g., rotary peristaltic pumps); a centrifugation chamber or membrane filtration unit; centrifugation bowls; dedicated cartridges capable of removing specific target cells such as leukocyte and granulocyte in excess; filters; clamps; controls (e.g., centrifuge and pump speed, volume of solution added); alarms; and bubble detectors. Therapeutic WBC apheresis units are used mainly to deplete WBCs such as granulocytes, monocytes, and lymphocytes from the blood of patients affected by leukemia. This reduces the amount of white blood cells and may help prevent the excess white blood cells from blocking blood flow. Leukapheresis units may be also used in the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases.


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