  • Devices designed to facilitate patient positioning to make possible and/or improve the results of radiographic and/or radiotherapy procedures. These devices may consist of relatively soft materials (e.g., Styrofoam, sponge). They can be formed to a shape (e.g., cylindrical, triangular) appropriate to the procedure to be performed (e.g., chest or head radiography, abdominal radiotherapy) and/or the characteristics of the patient\'s anatomy. Positioning aides also include mechanical devices that restrict a patient\'s movement for lateral chest radiography (also known as Valsbar systems) as well as devices intended for patient positioning during head radiography (e.g., cephalometric devices). Most radiographic/radiotherapeutic positioning aids are radiolucent, appearing dark in x-ray radiographies. Dedicated positioning aids for procedures performed on the extremities, head and neck, torso, or for multiple procedures are also available. Some devices are intended for use only in particular procedures and/or for pediatric use.


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