  • Sterilizing units designed for total inactivation of microorganisms that are or may be present on medical devices by immersion in germicidal solutions (e.g., formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, phthaldehyde). These units usually include a treatment chamber with a container for the liquid germicide where trays with the devices to be sterilized are manually placed, usually after being cleaned of gross debris; means to introduce and/or circulate the liquid into the chamber; and controls to regulate the time and temperature of the procedure, which depends on the germicide in use. After the sterilization cycle is complete the residual chemicals should be drained and the volatile compounds eliminated (usually by aeration or rinsing with filtered water). Liquid sterilizing units are available in a variety of shapes and sizes, usually as tabletop units. They are used for devices and supplies that are sensitive to high temperature and humidity, such as devices including plastic and/or rubber components that are not damaged by the chemical product used for sterilization.


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