  • Single-use pieces of absorbent porous synthetic or semi-synthetic materials resembling natural sponges (i.e., multicellular organisms with bodies full of pores and channels) designed for a variety of purposes, such as to protect, clean, cover, and/or promote wound healing. Synthetic sponges are typically made of gauze, gauze and cotton, or polyurethane foam; sterile and non-sterile sponges are available. Sponges are used in healthcare for a variety of different non-clinical (e.g., equipment surface and clinical laboratory countertop cleaning) and clinical (e.g., to keep a moist environment, absorb exudates, and protect wounds from contact with bacteria) purposes. Dedicated sponges for contraception, scrubbing, and surgery (e.g., dissection, laparotomy, neurosurgery, ophthalmology) are also available.


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