  • Ophthalmic implants designed to flatten the anterior corneal curvature without disturbing the visual axis via insertion in a surgically created (i.e., intrastomal) channel. These implants may consist of open-ended plastic rings with outer and inner diameters of about 8 and 6.8 mm, respectively, or more frequently, of two separate, 150-degree, plastic ring-segment inserts that can be implanted away from the radial incision to minimize complications and that are available in several sizes (typically from 0.25 to 0.35 mm); the devices are inserted in holes made in the cornea using a diamond knife or lasers. Intracorneal rings and/or ring segments are intended to correct mild and moderate myopia; ring segments are also used in the treatment of irregular astigmatism that is the result of keratoconus, especially in patients who cannot use contact lenses.


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