  • Ionizing radiation detectors designed for automated discovery and/or ascertainment of the presence of very low (typically up to 500 or 1,000 milliroentgen/hour) ionizing radiation levels that are not a short-term hazard to humans. These detectors may use one or several different sensing devices, including Geiger tubes and/or other ionizing chambers. They usually include visual and/or sound indicators to show that ionizing radiation is present (e.g., flashing lights and/or beeper sounds for each radiation event) but do not include displays showing the radiation level. Low-level detectors of ionizing radiation are used mainly in areas where a radiation leakage has or may have occurred, to check low-level contamination in food and/or water, and to evaluate the results of decontamination procedures. Many low-level detectors become saturated when exposed to high radiation levels (e.g., more than one roentgen/hour), making them useless to detect dangerous (or even lethal) ionizing radiation levels that are present in some nuclear emergencies. Low-level ionizing radiation environmental detectors are used by healthcare personnel, rescuers, and firefighters in radioactive or potentially radioactive contaminated areas.


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