  • Radiographic/fluoroscopic (R/F) systems designed for visualizing the vascular anatomy. These systems include a x-ray generator and x-ray tubes with rotating anodes; image intensifiers, typically from 38 to 41 cm (12 to 16 inches); a video camera and display monitors; image recording devices; and a patient table. The typical angiographic R/F system configuration consists of a C-arm, a U-arm, or a parallelogram gantry system that holds the x-ray tube at one end of the arm and the intensifier and video camera tube at the other end. Most systems also include digital recording devices, stepping tabletops, cine cameras, and digital acquisition and processing capability (e.g., digital subtraction capability). These systems may include only one gantry arm (single-plane systems) or two orthogonal gantries (biplane systems), one of which is usually ceiling mounted. Biplane systems provide simultaneous recording and viewing of images from two different projections. Angiographic/interventional systems are used to provide real-time images of blood flow and vascular organ activity after trauma, disease, or surgery; in neurological procedures; for observing abnormal vasculature associated with tumor growth; and for providing anatomic and physiological information before and during interventional procedures. The procedures are typically conducted in a special imaging suite (angiographic or special procedures room) containing the x-ray imaging system, an injector for introducing contrast medium into the patient, physiologic monitoring equipment, and additional equipment to manage cardiovascular emergencies.


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