Protection garments designed for personal protection against chemical and/or biological agent contamination; they usually offer protection at least for 24 hours after external contamination occurs. The garments are typically made of two layers: a tightly woven or laminate vapor-permeable outer layer and an inner layer (e.g., charcoal-impregnated, carbon-sphere technology) that absorbs and/or neutralizes the liquid or vapor agent. Some garments are made of a material (e.g., Tyvek F) that is permeable to perspiration while providing protection against chemical and biological agents. These garments may consist either of a full coverall (i.e., overgarment) or a hip-length coat and trousers with appropriate fasteners. The garment also includes chemical resistant gloves, boots, and masks or hoods to cover the face and/or head. Chemical/biological agent protection garments are used by civil rescuers in massive contamination events and by military personnel; they do not offer protection from radiation.