  • Centrifugal blood cell processors designed for the automatic addition of glycerol to red blood cells (RBCs) before freezing to prevent the disruption of the RBC membranes (i.e., hemolysis) and/or to wash the RBCs (reducing the glycerol to a minimum) after blood thawing for posterior reinfusion. These devices typically consist of a dedicated portable centrifuge with electronic controls, a display, and a glycerization and deglycerization (usually disposable) set; they may also include recording devices and/or printers. Frozen blood cell processors provide a closed system that permits freezing and thawing of RBCs; the processors are intended to extend postthaw storage (up to several days) longer than manual deglycerolization; the devices may be used to facilitate the frozen storage of rare blood types, to ease emergency blood shortages, and to manage autologous blood for autotransfusion.


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