  • Lower limb prostheses designed for partial functional (primarily flexion) replacement of the knee as a component of an above-the-knee or total lower limb prosthesis. These prostheses typically consist of external devices with a mechanism that provides flexion (i.e., acting as a hinge) and some degree of internal and external rotational movements and several locking positions at the distal end; some prostheses include hydraulic devices and/or microprocessors to regulate the knee movements. Knee prostheses can be attached at the proximal end with a socket to the residual limb (i.e., the femur) or to another prosthetic device (e.g., a tube resembling the femur) and at the distal end to a tubular device that is, in turn, attached to ankle and foot prostheses. Knee component prostheses are available in a great variety of configurations and sizes; they are typically used as a component of an above-the-knee or total lower limb prosthesis in patients who have congenital abnormalities or who suffered amputations due to illness (e.g., diabetes) or traumatic accidents.


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