Precision dental attachments designed to attach partial denture prostheses to receptacles that are connected to or anchored within an abutment such as a natural tooth, abutment crown, tooth-root stud, or dental implant. These attachments are typically two-component devices that attach to each other with a high degree of precision: one component is fixed to the abutment or may be supported by tissue and a second component is an integral part of the partial denture base. Partial denture precision attachments are available as intra- and extracoronal devices according to the fixation site; attachments to dental implants and magnetic-coupled attachments are also available. Both rigid and resilient partial denture attachments are available; resilient (i.e., nonrigid) attachments are usually extracoronal devices, but some intracoronal attachments may provide some degree of resilience. Partial denture precision attachments usually distribute the chewing forces better and provide better cosmetic results than conventional clasp attachments.