Climbing aerobic exercisers designed to simulate the motion of climbing stairs using movable stairs or steppers. These exercisers may be movable, motorized staircases that constantly revolve, or footpedals or platforms with a drive system, side handrails, and/or front handlebars, which are usually called climbers or steppers. The two terms are often used interchangeably, but climbers can train both the upper body and lower body while steppers train only the lower body because they do not have movable or fixed front handlebars. These exercisers can use pneumatic, hydraulic, or electromagnetic resistance. Motorized stair/stepper exercisers usually include workout program modes to adjust resistance levels; a monitor to display the workout time, distance, speed, calories burned, and heart rate; and handlebars with grip pulse sensors or wireless heart-rate tools; some may also have heart-rate controls to adjust the resistance level to suit the targeted heart rate. These exercisers are intended to increase cardiovascular endurance by keeping the heart and pulmonary rate elevated for a continuous period of time. Additionally, they provide strength and endurance to the muscles of the lower body (i.e., quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus, hip flexors, calves) and the upper body (i.e., arms, shoulder, chest, back).