  • Computer-aided detection systems designed to obtain fluorescent angiographic images of blood flow usually in the near infrared spectrum. These systems typically consist of a CCD camera, light sources, a monitor, and a processing unit for the images. The central processing unit is usually mounted on a cart with an attached monitor and an articulated arm including the camera. The angiographic (i.e., blood-flow) images from the area of interest are taken by the camera after the vascular injection of a fluorescent agent (e.g., indocyanine green). The data is processed using a software and shown in the monitor display as images of the blood flow in vessels and/or tissue and organ perfusion. The systems are used in open surgery (e.g., cardiovascular and gastrointestinal), organ transplant, plastic surgery and wound care procedures (e.g., diabetic ulcers); the angiographic systems may be integrated with robotic surgical systems. Systems combining fluorescent and visible light images intended for laparoscopic procedures are also available.


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