Prepackaged collections of the devices and supplies (either custom or standard) designed to collect samples of hazardous or potentially hazardous materials, including toxic industrial chemicals and chemical and biological agents. These kits are appropriate to collect gas, liquid, and solid samples from a contaminated area. Items in these kits usually include all tools needed to collect the samples, including a set of manual samplers (e.g., special tubes, scoops, knives, wipers), sealable containers, and operating instructions, usually packaged in a sturdy plastic case. The kits may be supplied in supporting trays (i.e., procedure trays) consisting of a flat-bottomed receptacle with a border around the periphery supporting all the instruments and supplies needed for the procedure; the trays are usually covered or wrapped. Hazardous materials sampling kits are used by emergency teams, forensic and law enforcement personnel, and other civil and military personnel to characterize contaminated environments.