Solid-state lasers with a rod of yttrium-aluminum-garnet crystal doped with thulium, a rare earth element, as the active medium. Their emission wavelength is usually in the range of 1,930 to 2,040 nm (infrared). These lasers are usually operated in continuous-wave and/or pulsed modes; they are mainly used for superficial surgery. The laser energy can be delivered through a flexible optical glass fiber.
Surgical Thulium-doped yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Tm:YAG) lasers, usually operated in continuous-wave or pulsed mode at 2,010 nm wavelength. The laser energy penetrates a short distance into tissue, allowing photocoagulation and resection (vaporization) of superficial tissue. These lasers are used in laparoscopic and endoscopic surgery, especially for treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia.