  • Fluids (i.e., gases or liquids) intended for replacement of the aqueous and/or vitreous eye humors during operative procedures or for longer terms (e.g., several months). The use of the same fluid to substitute both humors is usually not successful due to the different nature of the natural eye humors; but some saline solutions and gases have been used for those purposes. The replacement media used for aqueous humor are low-density aqueous solutions (typically saline); the solution is usually substituted by the natural humor in a short period. The replacement for the vitreous humor may be performed using gases (e.g., air, sulphahexafluoride gas) and liquids (e.g., silicone oil, perfluorocarbons) but viscoelastic solutions such as hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) and sodium hyaluronate are a better match to the physicochemical characteristics of the natural vitreous humor.


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