Surgical retractors designed for temporary separation and holding back the edges of surgical incisions in or around the external auditory canal, exposing and providing access to the middle ear structures. These retractors usually consist of self-retained manual instruments, typically with two rounded (frequently swivel) blades and an integral adjustable flat-pointed third blade to retract the temporal muscle. All blades merge in a proximal-end rotating mechanism used to adjust the position of the blades. Retractors with two distal blades and scissors-like handles with a ratchet mechanism for self-retention are also available. Middle ear surgical retractors are used in many different types of endaural surgery procedures. Dedicated retractors for antral and trans-antral (i.e., in the mastoid cavity in the tympanic bone) retraction and also for the posterior fossa retraction during surgical procedures are also available. Other dedicated retractors intended to expand the natural external ear canal are usually classified as aural specula.