Equipment designed for cleaning medical and other healthcare devices, as well as samples used in clinical laboratories that use gases in a plasma state. These plasma-state gases are a form of matter that includes electrons and positive ions usually resulting from the application of a strong electromagnetic (e.g., radio frequency) field. These cleaners include a treatment (frequently vacuum) chamber with shelves on which the devices to be cleaned are placed, usually after taking out gross debris; a means to introduce the gases (e.g., oxygen, argon) or mixtures of these into the chamber; electrodes that are activated to convert the gas to plasma; a radio-frequency generator; holders for different types of products and devices; and controls to start/stop automated cycles of the procedure. Some equipment includes an integral evacuation and purging system to eliminate residue after the cleaning cycle is complete. Plasma cleaners are available in a variety of shapes and sizes in both stand-alone (bulk) and tabletop models; they are mainly used to remove organic and inorganic contamination, increase bond strength, and remove residues. Dedicated plasma cleaners intended specifically to clean electron microscope samples and/or sample holders are also used.