Equipment designed to transfer protein and blood circulating antibodies samples typically from an agarose gel onto a membrane (e.g., nylon, nitrocellulose, polyvinylidene difluoride-PVDF ) or less frequently to a filter or treated paper (i.e., blotting) after a gel electrophoresis procedure, a procedure that separates the molecules according to the charge and size. The transfer is usually performed using an electric gradient process (either wet or semi-dry); some systems use a vacuum capillary transfer process or less frequently a diffusion transfer. IVD protein blotters are intended to provide in an immobilized matrix an identical copy of the electrophoretic pattern present in the gel allowing the performance of a wide range of analytical procedures. Protein blotters are used in tests usually known as western blots or one of its variants (i.e., eastern and southwestern blots).