  • This is an upper lateral orbital cleft. The soft tissue deformity is in the lateral one-third of the upper eyelid, and the bony cleft is through the superolateral orbital angle. Microphthalmia is present. The superolateral bony deficiency of the orbits allows a lateral displacement of the globes. The lateral one-third of the upper eyelid and the outer canthus are distorted, thus preventing apposition to the globe. The upper eyelid does not have a true cleft. A soft tissue furrow radiates superiorly and posterisphenoid is symmetric and normal. Mild cranial base asymmetry is reflected in the pterygoid plates. The left pair is more laterally displaced from the midline. Skull vault plagiocephaly is evident with an apparent reduction in the anteroposterior dimension of the anterior cranial fossa. [PMID:2503273]


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