  • The outbreak of the infection by the new coronavirus SARSCoV-2, COVID-19, in December in Wuhan Province of China, has become a pandemic and health emergency given the deficiency of antiviral therapy for the acute respiratory syndrome that generates danger to life The debut of the epidemic was in China, then the epicenter developed in Europe, northern Italy that suffered a severe blow Worldwide, more than 10 million people are infected with the virus that has impacted on health systems until it practically collapsed, resulting in thousands of deaths Today the epicenter of the pandemic has shifted to the Americas Alarming figures highlight the United States of North America with some 2,737,600 infected and more than 128,471 deaths, followed by the South American giant Brazil with 1 3 million infections and 57,659 deaths The Caribbean has a better setting In Cuba, by the end of June, 2,340 cases of patients infected with deaths from COVID-19 were reported We conducted a review, analysis and evaluation study of more than 150 articles from international journals, update bulletins of the WEB sites, health pages of the MINSAP of Cuba, and summaries selected for their methodological quality, and reviews, on the subject COVID-19 and autoimmune-rheumatic diseases by MEDLINE: database prepared by the National Library of Medicine of The USA contains bibliographic references and abstracts from more than 4,000 biomedical journals published in the United States and in 70 other countries, We also use Latin American and Caribbean Center for Information on Health Sciences: System, in Latin America and the Caribbean, since 1982 Our objective and results achieved have been to develop the theoretical-practical bases in an updated scientific document that allow access in an essential and summarized way to current knowledge about the infection by SACOV-2, COVID-19, and its repercussion and impact on patients suffering from rheumatic autoimmune diseases, and thus outline a coping and action strategy with recommendations for the Cuban rheumatologists in their health care work, and for patients as a guideline, given their well-founded concerns and fears given their underlying condition and the immunosuppressive drugs prescribed in an unfavorable context of a pandemic The information is based on international experiences with the most published scientific evidence and those treasured national experiences in the face of similar situations of epidemics, faced by the vast health system and achievements of Cuban science
is ?:annotates of
  • Revista_Cubana_De_Reumatologia
  • unk
is ?:relation_isRelatedTo_publication of
  • WHO
  • Autoimmune-rheumatic diseases in the SARSCoV-2 pandemic;COVID-19. Strategies in its management and updating from the vision of the Cuban rheumatology society and its national group
  • #855567
  • 2020


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