  • The equivalence between classical epidemic model and nondissipative and dissipative quantum tight-binding model is derived. Classical epidemic model can reproduce the quantum entanglement emerging in the case of electrostatically coupled qubits described by von-Neumann entropy both in non-dissipative and dissipative case. The obtained results shows that quantum mechanical phenomena might be almost entirely simulated by classical statistical model. It includes the quantum like entanglement and superposition of states. Therefore coupled epidemic models expressed by classical systems in terms of classical physics can be the base for possible incorporation of quantum technologies and in particular for quantum like computation and quantum like communication. The classical density matrix is derived and described by the equation of motion in terms of anticommutator. Existence of Rabi like oscillations is pointed in classical epidemic model. Furthermore the existence of Aharonov-Bohm effect in quantum systems can also be reproduced by the classical epidemic model. Every quantum system made from quantum dots and described by simplistic tight-binding model by use of position-based qubits can be effectively described by classical model with very specific structure of S matrix that has twice bigger size as it is the case of quantum matrix Hamiltonian. Obtained results partly question fundamental and unique character of quantum mechanics and are placing ontology of quantum mechanics much in the framework of classical statistical physics what can bring motivation for emergence of other fundamental theories bringing suggestion that quantum mechanical is only effective and phenomenological but not fundamental picture of reality.
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  • 2012.09923
  • arxiv
  • document_parses/pdf_json/583d2f6a68fd5cfc3731a184dd6d74c56c9acf4b.json
  • ArXiv
  • Equivalence between classical epidemic model and non-dissipative and dissipative quantum tight-binding model
  • 2020-12-17


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