OBJECTIVE: Early in December 2019, a mass of sufferers with Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (SAS-CoV-19) in Wuhan (China) roused worldwide concern. Hardly any drugs showed the light of hope concerning the depletion in the period of treatment and virological suppression is troubled. Furthermore, numerous sufferers have undergone off-label use or compassionate use treatments as well as antiretroviral, antiparasitic agents, anti-inflammatory compounds, and convales-cent plasma in either oral/parenteral route. This study aims to compile and analyze the efficient value of Remdesivir and Hydroxychloroquine and give an insight to their drug profile in the treatment and management of COVID-19 patients. METHOD: The literature search from PubMed, Crossref, Springer, Bentham Sciences, Google Scholar, DOAJ, ScienceDirect, and MEDLINE by using keywords like COVID-19, SAS-COV-2, Remdesivir, and hydroxychloroquine was done and ap-propriate peer-reviewed review articles, as well as research articles, were included and compiled in this review paper. The figures were prepared by using ChemOffice 2016 (ChemDraw Professional 2016) and Microsoft Office. RESULTS: The results of this study indicate that remdesivir in 5/10 studies from collected literature show a reduction in time of recovery and 5/10 shows no variance and having limitations. However, 6/12 shows an increase in the survival/reduction in time of recovery and 6/12 shows no effect or has limitations in the case of hydroxychloroquine. CONCLUSION: There is a need to assess more pharmacokinetics and randomized controlled trials (RCT) for both remdesivir and hydroxychloroquine. Furthermore, studies should be conducted in different combinations along with hydroxychloro-quine and remdesivir to get efficient results.