  • OBJECTIVES: A study designed to assess the public perception of the response of government and its institutions to the COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria. SETTING: Self-selecting participants throughout Nigeria completed a self-administered questionnaire through an online cross-sectional survey. PARTICIPANTS: 495. RESULTS: The majority of respondents were married (76.6%), were males (61.8%), had tertiary level education (91.0%), were public servants (36.8%), Christians (82.6%), and resident either in the Federal Capital Territory (Abuja) (49.1%) or in the South-East Region of Nigeria (36.6%). Over 95% of the respondents had heard of COVID-19 (98.8%) and knew it is a viral disease (95.4%). The government and its institutions response to the pandemic were rated as poor, with the largest rating as poor for Federal President’s Office (57.5%). Communication (50.0%) and prevention messages (43.7%) received the highest perception good rating. Female respondents and those less than 40 years generally rated the governmental responses as poor. CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that as a public–private partnership approached was efficiently used to more effectively disseminate public health communication and prevention messages, the Nigerian Government should expand this collaboration to improve the quality of services provided in other areas of COVID-19 outbreak management.
  • 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041936
  • BMJ_Open
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  • Medline; PMC
  • Public perception of COVID-19 management and response in Nigeria: a cross-sectional survey
  • 2020-10-14


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