  • Purpose The purpose of this study was to compare speech identification abilities of individuals of various ages and hearing abilities using traditional methods and Portable Automated Rapid Testing (PART) iPad app. Method Speech identification data were collected using three techniques: over headphones using a virtual speaker array, using PART iPad app (UCR Brain Game Center, 2018), and using loudspeaker presentation in a sound-attenuated room. For all three techniques, Coordinate Response Measure sentences were used as the stimuli and \'Charlie\' was used as the call sign. A progressive tracking procedure was used to estimate the speech identification thresholds for listeners with varying hearing thresholds. The target sentence was always presented at 0° azimuth angle, whereas the maskers were colocated (0°) with the target or symmetrically spatially separated by ±15°, ±30°, or ±45°. Results Data analysis revealed similar speech identification thresholds for the iPad and headphone conditions and slightly poorer thresholds for the loudspeaker array condition across participant groups. This was true for all spatial separations between the target and the maskers. Conclusion Strong correlation between the headphone and iPad data presented in this study indicated that the spatial release from masking module in the PART iPad app can be used as a clinical tool to assess spatial processing ability prior to audiologic evaluation in the clinic and can also be used to make recommendations for and to track progress with aural rehabilitation programs over time.
is ?:annotates of
  • Am_J_Audiol
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Comparing Spatial Release From Masking Using Traditional Methods and Portable Automated Rapid Testing iPad App
  • #33197327
  • 2020


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