  • When the Cold War ended, the rationale for a strategic partnership no longer applied, but journalistic accounts emphasized the PRC\'s rising economic importance to America Even though both countries were prospering greatly from the relationship, a greater number of stories appeared featuring allegations of \'unfair\' PRC trade practices, including cases of intellectual property theft and currency manipulation to make Chinese goods more competitive Time and the rest of Luce\'s vast magazine empire were important components of the powerful \'China Lobby,\' which influenced public opinion and U S government policy to continue supporting Chiang and persist in an utterly uncompromising policy toward the new regime in Beijing (Koen 1960) Three right-of-center media platforms during that time, the Washington Times-Herald, the Chicago Tribune, and the Wall Street Journal advocated an extremely hawkish stance regarding the overall threat that international communism posed to the \'free world\' (Chamberlin 1948)
is ?:annotates of
  • Cato_Journal
  • unk
  • WHO
  • The American News Media\'s Volatile Perspectives on China
  • #823337
  • 2020


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