  • OBJECTIVE To analyse the compliance of the preventive instructions formulated by the Health Authority against COVID-19 for the de-escalation phase among the industrial and construction sectors in Navarre. METHODS On the basis of those preventive instructions, questionnaires were drawn up to verify their implementation on site. The occupational risk prevention technicians of the Occupational Health Service (OHS) of the Institute of Public and Work Health of Navarre and those of the External Prevention Services (EPS), under the executive coordination of the OHS, visited the enterprises to advise, verify and require, if necessary, compliance with the instructions dictated. RESULTS The compliance of the preventive instructions is higher in the industrial sector than in the construction sector. Cleaning practices, hygienic resources and the provision of respiratory protection equipment are widespread. The application of necessary measures in common places (restrooms, dining rooms) are less frequent. There is a lack of informative posters and written corroboration of the preventive instructions. The difference of several results between the OHS and the EPS technicians is remarkable. CONCLUSIONS Weaknesses have been identified in achieving safe workplaces in the construction and industrial sectors during the de-escalation phase in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. The role of Public Health in the enterprises and the integration of the prevention services in public policies against occupational risks must be reconsidered.
is ?:annotates of
  • 10.12961/aprl.2020.23.04.04
  • Archivos_de_prevencion_de_riesgos_laborales
  • unk
  • 33202120.0
  • Medline
  • [Return to work in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in the industrial and construction sectors in Navarre (Spain)].
  • 2020-10-15


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