  • The use of Model View Presenter (MVP) architecture for tracking the data of COVID 19 patients has evolved novel innovation in the already existing architectural diagram used by the software industry It introduced the use of GraphQL a very efficient backend framework providing dynamic and single-point access to queries made by the user In contrary to the traditional REST API which uses GET and POST methods for fetching and posting data requiring a different URL for every API call, with GraphQL we can have single-point access This paper aims to propose a simple backend driven dynamic cards model that can get data from real-world findings of patients\' database by trusted sources and freely available research enabling the user of this application to get valuable information of its region, country and the globe and how exposed and vulnerable they are, all of this in a single application of its first type © 2020 IEEE
is ?:annotates of
  • Proc._-_Int._Conf._Comput._Intell._Commun._Networks,_CICN
  • unk
  • WHO
  • MVP Architecture Model with Single Endpoint Access for Displaying COVID 19 Patients Information Dynamically
  • #960704
  • 2020


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