  • Worldwide the pandemic of COVID-19 spreads rapidly and has an enormous public health impact with substantial fatal outcomes especially in high-risk groups, such as older people and patients with comorbidities like diabetes, dementia or cancer In the absence of a vaccine against Covid-19 there is an urgent need to find supportive therapies that can stabilize the immune system and can help to deal with the infection It has been suggested that Vitamin D has a protective effect against COVID-19 Vitamin D has complex immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory activity- A s 1,25(OH)2D it interacts with its receptor (VDR) in immune cells, modulates the innate and acquired immune systems in response to invasion of bacterial and viral pathogens 1,25(OH)2D also acts as a modulator of renin-angiotensin pathway and down-regulates ACE-2 Therefore, Vitamin D might help in treatment of COVID-19 by preventing the cytokine storm and subsequent ARDS which is commonly the cause of mortality
is ?:annotates of
  • Nieren-_und_Hochdruckkrankheiten
  • unk
is ?:relation_isRelatedTo_publication of
  • WHO
  • Vitamin D status and COVID-19
  • #902838
  • 2020


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