  • The spread of SARS-CoV-2 in Italy has been rapid, with over 230.000 infections and 33.000 deaths (May 31st, 2020). The full impact of COVID19 on surgery is still unknown, as its effects on healthcare strategy, hospital infrastructure, staff, regional economy and colorectal disease progression, may not be evident before several months. No systematic reports are available about a higher incidence of COVID19 infections in patients with cancer. However, available data indicate that older people are more vulnerable, particularly when there are underlying health conditions such as chemotherapy or active cancer. Herein, we present the case of a patient with rectal cancer treated with pull-through technique low anterior rectal resection and coloanal anastomosis with protective loop ileostomy, complicated with Sars-CoV-2 infection and late (31st post-operative day) colic ischemia with colo-vaginal fistula. Late intestinal ischemia is a rare complication and can be secondary to several traditional factors, but certainly small vessel thrombosis related to Coronavirus disease must be taken into consideration.
  • Chirurgia_(Bucur)
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Late Bowel Iischemia and Colovaginal Fistula after Low Anterior Resection in a COVID-19 Patient
  • #903188
  • 2020


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