  • From the Document: Serologic assays have several important public health applications in the current coronavirus disease (COVID-19) response Despite their importance, serologic assays do not replace molecular methods as the primary tool for the diagnosis of acute or active infection One essential application is the use of high-quality serologic test methods to estimate the prevalence of \'past\' viral infection or estimate the cumulative incidence of infection in the US population Serologic testing can improve our understanding of disease transmission patterns and data from serologic surveys can be used to understand the proportion of persons previously infected, among various populations In order for these methods to be used effectively for both population level studies and individual use scientists need more data on the performance characteristics of these tests and the human immune response to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection This includes the persistence and protection offered by antibodies Without this information, results from these methods cannot be properly interpreted COVID-19 (Disease);Health--Testing;Serology--Technique
is ?:annotates of
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Public Health Considerations: Serologic Testing for COVID-19
  • #739705
  • 2020


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