  • A Comparative Study on Health Care and Disease Prevention System in North and South Korea Gyeongil Joo* Abstract: In response to current situation of COVID-19, this study had a comparative analysis on health care and disease prevention system in North and South Korea The purpose of this study is to maximize the strength and supplement the weakness of health care system in North and South Korea and to contribute on establishing an integrated health care system and constructing a health community in the Korean Peninsula This study conducted a comparative analysis on development of health care resources, systematization of health care and preventive resources, and medical service delivery system in North and South Korea through various literature materials and interviews with North Korean defectors and the results were as follows The North Korean health care system including free treatment system became nominal and is operating disease prevention system through lock down and shut down On the other hand, South Korea secures the right of choice in medical service by focusing on treatment and it operates transparent disease prevention system by disclosing information While this study holds significance in understanding realistically health care system of North-South for narrowing the gap in health care level between North and South Korea and suggesting methods for improving medical care and disease prevention system, there should be further researches with in-depth exploration on North Korean health care system through focus group interview on numerous North Korean defectors Key Words: South Korea, North Korea, Health Care System, Infectious Disease, Disease Prevention System □ 접수일: 2020년 3월 29일, 수정일: 2020년 4월 19일, 게재확정일: 2020년 4월 20일* 고려대학교 정부학연구소 선임연구원(Researcher, Korea Univ , Email: jki360@naver com)
is ?:annotates of
  • The_Journal_of_Humanities_and_Social_science
  • unk
  • WHO
  • A Comparative Study on Health Care and Disease Prevention System in North and South Korea
  • #815685
  • 2020


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