  • Even though it has recently been highlighted that the timeline for recovery from the ongoing pandemic is highly uncertain and “will depend heavily on the course of the pandemic”, consumer confidence and expectations, also impact the level of consumer spending and the role of providing greater certainty as regards the resumption of economic activity, ultimately, lies with respective governments What measures could be introduced as incentives to encourage banks to make greater use of macro prudential policy tools and particularly those targeted towards Basel III objectives and tools introduced through the conservative, countercyclical buffers, as well as liquidity (Liquidity Coverage Ratio, Net Stable Funding Ratios) and leverage ratio tools of supervision? How can bank lending be encouraged as a means of achieving the targeted aim of boosting economic activity? As well as addressing the afore mentioned issues, this paper aims to consider the impact of recent Covid-19 regulatory measures on bank activities, incentives and risk taking activities Further, it aims to explore possibilities whereby Basel III measures, which have been designed to address banking and economic problems during periods of economic downturns could be implemented and taken greater advantage of, more effectively As the paper will further highlight, innovative approaches are increasingly being embraced and adopted by many businesses who recognize the need to adapt to a changing environment and way of life Herein lies a role, not only for governments, employees and employers in facilitating speedier resumption of economic activities and a return to economic recovery, but also in ensuring that efforts undertaken by regulatory bodies, as well as central bank and federal regulators, achieve their intended and maximal objectives
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Achieving Targeted Aims and Objectives of Fiscal, Monetary, Prudential Policy Responses Post Regulatory Crises and Global Pandemics
  • #4656
  • 2020


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