  • [ ]the past few weeks have also seen regular public appearances by the chief scientific adviser, Patrick Vallance;their deputies, Jenny Harries and Jonathan Van-Tam;Yvonne Doyle, medical director of Public Health England;Stephen Powis, NHS England medical director;and the chief nursing officer, Ruth May 2 And they’ve given some perceptions of inconsistency (changing Public Health England’s advice on personal protective equipment,3 sometimes at odds with the World Health Organization) and back foot communications (May being initially reluctant to say how many NHS staff had died from coronavirus) 4 Often, however, comments on social media have accused them of being political appointments, government shields or mouthpieces, or even dishonest Yes, the chief medical officer, chief scientific adviser, and their deputies are civil service appointees, and Public Health England is an executive agency of the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), and as such they’re bound by the civil service code and contract
  • BMJ
  • unk
  • WHO
  • David Oliver: Is abuse towards doctors in government roles unfair?
  • #829469
  • 2020


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