  • PURPOSE: To evaluate the risk of transmission of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) after exposure to a COVID-19+ physician in a retina clinic. METHODS: A retrospective observational study. Records of 142 patients and 11 staff members from a single retina clinic that were exposed to a COVID-19+ ophthalmologist were reviewed. All 153 individuals were placed in quarantine for 14 days. They were contacted after the quarantine period to inquire about symptoms consistent with COVID-19, and the results of diagnostic test for SARS-CoV-2 when performed. RESULTS: All patients (n = 142) were contacted successfully. The mean age was 72.8 ± 13.6 years; 54.2% (n = 77) were females. Twenty-three patients (16.2%) were exposed during an ophthalmic exam, 111 (78.2%) during intraocular injection, 4 (2.8%) underwent exam and injection, 3 (2.1%) underwent surgery, and one patient (0.7%) had laser photocoagulation. Half of the patients (50%; n = 71) were in contact with the COVID-19+ physician while he was symptomatic. Forty-four patients (31%) wore a mask on the day of their visit. 11.3% (n = 16) of the patients, and all involved staff had been tested for the virus and all were negative. One patient (0.7%) reported transient cough and sore throat, and the remaining 141 (99.3%) patients and 11 (100%) staff did not develop symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: Low risk for SARS-CoV-2 transmission in the ophthalmic setting was observed when universal safety measures such as social distancing, meticulous hand hygiene, enlarged breath shields, and mask wear during procedures were taken.
  • 10.1007/s00417-020-04790-w
  • Graefes_Arch_Clin_Exp_Ophthalmol
  • no-cc
  • document_parses/pdf_json/e39230a93ce2fe9398cd24dc3f14a5c30736e145.json
  • document_parses/pmc_json/PMC7306185.xml.json
  • 32567041.0
  • Medline; PMC
  • Risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission to medical staff and patients from an exposure to a COVID-19-positive ophthalmologist
  • 2020-06-21


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