IntroductionWith the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic it became apparent the current method of delivering resuscitation training required review, to ensure parents/carers shielding vulnerable children could still access and learn resuscitation skills by the safest methods possible Project DescriptionOur method of delivering teaching pre-pandemic was face to face training held within the hospital site This included discussion with practice, and a hand-out to reinforce skills and knowledge Recognising the limitations of the standard approach, the Dept explored other modalities that could be utilised, mindful of advice discouraging visitors from attending hospital A risk assessment was undertaken, the referral process reviewed to identify and ensure those parents/carers of children who have potential risk of respiratory/cardiac arrest receive training as part of the child’s care plan Adults have various domains of learning and may require kinaesthetic reinforcement as resuscitation involves practical skills The Dept recognised the importance of maintaining a face to face session wherever possible It was identified the current infant manikins (manufactured with a soft body) could not be decontaminated effectively A review was undertaken of alternatives allowing for immersive practice whilst being robust for decontamination As a result the Dept replaced Baby Anne® with Little Baby QCPR® (Laerdal®) A multi-faceted approach was developed to optimise this niche service The appropriate modality was identified via a telephone conversation with the parent/carer A short DVD was sent out covering BLS, choking and a hand out with the offer of a follow up phone/video call to answer any questions For those requiring practice, a face to face session was arranged with the caveat they could provide assurance of effective social distancing Twenty four hours prior to training a call was made to ensure they were symptom free DiscussionCOVID 19 led to re-evaluating current teaching practices for paediatric parent and carer training Continuing to offer a face to face element is of paramount importance;initial contact allowed parents and carers opportunity to express any anxieties and their individual learning needs to be ascertained For some, the DVD and telephone/video call was sufficient however, many chose to attend in person after reassurance any risks posed by Covid-19 had been mitigated This process allows a truly targeted, tailored approach to enable most effective resuscitation training to be maintained