  • Coronavirus illness which is known as COVID-19 is a viral disease influencing the respiratory framework brought about by SARS CoV-2 (Severe intense respiratory condition coronavirus 2) It was first distinguished in the Wuhan City of China after an outbreak of respiratory infection among the localities This now turned out to be a global health issue and become a pandemic Several remedial measures and experiments are still in progress to have an ultimate cure by inventing new drugs on COVID-19 Most therapeutic drugs are still at experimental level and yet to come for human trial Some drugs have been declared for use such as remdesiver and many others have not been proved to be effective for the treatment of COVID-19 The article collection was done in the year 2020 and the time period of article analysis was done from April to May 2020
is ?:annotates of
  • International_Journal_of_Pharmaceutical_Research
  • unk
is ?:relation_isRelatedTo_publication of
  • WHO
  • COVID-19 drug therapy-a review
  • #875153
  • 2020


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